Thursday, May 8, 2008

UIA here I come!

Today the offer letter from UIA arrived at my house.The postmen try to put the file in my mail box and it'd ruined the letter.I wonder why the postmen didn't see the statement in front of the letter,JANGAN GULUNG!Anyway i have decided to go UIA to continue my study,after i have thinking about it throughly.I hope i had made the right decision for my future.I will register at Nilai on the 10th June.Argh.... there are so many form that i need to filled compared to matrix, x-tray,check up and many other things.I kind a pissed of with so so many form that i need to complete.I also need to prepare for my english and arabic placement test as well as quran and fardhu ain test during the taaruf or orientation week.Good luck to me and my friends,syahira,erma and hariyah who gonna start their study soon!Gambate ! ^_______^

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